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Four more thing about blogboat 1.0:

1. Quote of Dan Gillmor:
“Traditionally it’s news when man bites dog. But it’s also news when dog bites man. Especially when you know the man and the dog is yours.” Referring to the relevance of hyperlocal news.

2. Quote of my former boss Rudy Raymaekers, visionairy and working for a media company for more than 30 years.
“Working together is a problem. In the newsroom people sit together, but they don’t talk. Citizen journalists don’t work together either, their egos are too big. And the people in the newsroom aren’t working together at all with the citizen journalists.” I love this quote because it’s so recognizable, considering the challenges I had starting the citizen journalism project HasseltLokaal at Concentra Media.

3. During the afternoon session, Dan Gillmor made a plea against (most) anonymous news. According to him, it has not much credibility. Therefore, Gillmor defends Sarah Palin against the anonymous ‘cowards’ that accused her of not knowing that Africa is a contintent. More via this blog entry of Luc Van Braekel (in English).

4. The attendants of the afternoon session were asked in advance to write a discussion paper about the future of citizen journalism. So that’s what I did, and I liked it. Yet, writing is more my thing than presenting. So when I was asked to present mine, I got soooo nervous. I even didn’t have a copy with me :-). Anyway, I put my discussion paper on this blog. I titled it ‘Citizen journalism and how context can become king’.

discussion panel, with Rudy Raymaekers second from the left, pic by,

discussion panel, with Rudy Raymaekers second from the left, pic by

More blogboat pictures via this link.

Dan Gillmor @BlogBoat

Dan Gillmor @BlogBoat, pic by

Yesterday I attended the Blogboat event organised by Chips vzw.

During the afternoon session, citizen journalism expert Dan Gillmor gave a glimpse of the new book he is writing. It will deal with principles for news consumers. According to Gillmor, news consumers should look at the news with skepticism and judgment. Moreover they should do research when something isn’t clear or when they need a second opinion.

“That’s exactly what the people who sold their stocks after hearing that Steve Jobs had a heart attack, didn’t do. It was their stupidity to immediately believe that false news. Which makes them responsible as well, and not only the citizen journalist who wrote the article.” (When Googling, I found a lot of people blaming the citizen journalist who wrote the news (eg this one)).

The fourth principle mentioned by Gilmor is independence. He encourages news consumers to read stuff that challenges what they believe. Last but not least Gillmor wants people to be aware of and recognize the techniques used by journalists to persuade them of something.

According to Gillmor, we are moving to the Daily Us (versus the Daily Me) or community driven news. Popularity and reputation will play the most important roles within that model. “And who ever succeeds in combining those two, will be big”. This Daily Us will be driven by thouroughness, accuracy, fairness, independence and transparancy. “Principles every journalist agrees on.”

In order to achieve this Daily Us, the participation of traditional media and the help of citizen journalists are needed, says Gillmor. But also parents and schools are of the utmost importance, in learning children how to deal with news. “Children should know that Wikipedia is the best starting point, but the worst place to stop.”

Apart from the Belgian TechCrunch meet-up that was sold out in no time, there is a lot going on the next weeks for bloggers and geeks.

-9/11: Blogboat 1.0 in Ghent. With citizen journalism expert Dan Gillmor. Registration via this wiki.

-12/11: BrusselsGirlGeekDinner in Hasselt. Subscriptions via this wiki.
Topic: Music and technology featuring Audiocubes demo by’s Bert Schiettecatte.

-17/11: Mobile Monday in Brussels. Subscriptions via this website.


18.30 Welcome – Wim De Waele (IBBT)

18.40 Mobile Advertising what can we expect in Belgium- Fabian Tilmant (Cleverwood)

19.00 Start-up case – Jean-Paul de Ville (Pumbby)

19.20 Debrief of MobileMonday Stockholm session – Tanguy De Lestré

19.30 Drinks and networking

And the really nice part? The three events are for free! They cost nada, nothing, rien du tout!

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