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To be honest, I had a great time. And I think most attendees had. The weather was great, the ice cream was good, but the best of all: the mobile webcamp was inspiring, relaxed and fun. And that was exacty what I had hoped for. Thank you everybody!!

Presentations, blog posts, tweets and other pictures can be found via the mobile webcamp wiki.

(First picture by kodel, other pictures by lone black rider)

Camera found, and in other words: pictures found of our team at the CMS Awards šŸ™‚

On the first picture my former boss Rudy Raymaekers behind our crystal trophee (quite a sight, don’t you think ;-), on the second our marketing ‘engin’ Engin with the Belgian champagne we won. On theĀ third picture you seeĀ me, moderator Eef and webmaster David being creative with our spoons and on the fourth one Eef and I with our certificate šŸ™‚ More pictures via this Flickr-link.



The second Girl Geek Dinner. Unlike the first edition there were no televisionĀ cameras in the neighbourhood and I must admit it made me feel more at ease. Like that I could chat with the other girls without caring too much about my hair (does it still look good) or my expressions (oh no, the camera went by and I was just yawning) šŸ˜‰

So now the serious stuff. I enjoyed myself at the second girl geek dinner. Not in the least because of the topics we discussed. Sexuality and the internet, being the only girl on the work floor and how to cope,… And as a matter of fact, there were French, Flemish and English speaking people and we all connected. Maybe the political divide in Belgium brings people even more together (?) Well, let’s hope.

Two ladies I especially remember are Ann and Marina. Ann is a very dedicated dentist and mother and she blogs about things in her life. I really love it that not only marketeers, it’ers, web designersĀ or journalists have a blog. Marina is actually French, but has been living in Belgium for quite a while. Four years ago (!) she decided to start with corporate web writing, in other words writing content for the websites of companies. Now, lots op companies work with people like Marina, but four years ago Marina must have been one of the first with an idea like that (?)

Pictures on the Girl Geek Dinner can be found via this Flickr-link.Ā Thanks to Emich, one of the male participants. What boys can be good for šŸ˜‰

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