3/11: Mobile Monday Amsterdam.
Central theme: How mobile changes society.
Description in one word: surprising. Thanks to Bruce Sterling and Teemu Arina.

  • Bruce Sterling, who writes for Wired (beyond the beyond), Wikipedia, and is the author of various science fiction books, literally climbed the pulpit. Starting his sermon with the words “welcome mobile sinners”. Everybody turned silent, and listened to some wise words of Sterling. Like: “I want you to think real hard about the values you are going to save and stop worrying about the plastic.” With ‘plastic’ he means the fancy phones. So he pleads to think about the social aspects of mobile, not so much about the technology. Great!


  • The 26-year old Fin Teemu Arina entertained us with some great conjurer tricks, but he also gave a very interesting (and visually stunning) presentation about how mobile is changing our society. Since it was very abstract I refer to the blog entry in which he explains his points. A must-read!



PS @bunker was asked to take pictures by the organisation. Thanks to him, I could attend the event (it was fully booked after two hours and I was too late). Therefore some link love to an event @bunker will organise in May: Twiist. (PPS Twiist is still looking for sponsors, so go ahead and contact them 🙂 ) And a PPPS: @Simon was there as well and wrote a great review, mentioning the ‘vulcano-metaphor’ Sterling talked about.