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big rubber duck in HasseltIn the harbour of my hometown Hasselt, there is a brand new attraction: a huge rubber duck floating on the water and enjoying the summer sun.

The duck announces the beginning of a challenging art project in Limburg, called ‘Zoom Out’. The project wants to unfold the borders of art, architecture and landscape. Moreover, it wants to find out in which way art can be used in public spaces.

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Urban knitting. Wonderful!
More about the guerilla girls and techniques on this blog. Via Niels.
urban knitting
PS: not sure whether there are urban knitters in Belgium. Feel like trying it, but then I first have to learn to knit (again). Ouch 🙂 . Anyone?

In a former entry I promised to tell more about a great Twitter-initiative. As a matter of fact, it’s very simple, yet amazing. It brings the virtual Twitter world to the ‘real’ world, a bit like twunch does.

As you know Twitter is a micro-blogging system in which people send messages to their friends and contacts. They report about what they are eating, about great websites they discovered, about their lives in general,…

Well, the Belgian artist Jan Leenders came up with a great idea: send me a tweet and I’ll make an artwork of it. The first one who jumps on the initiative pays 1 euro, the second one 2 euros,…And so on. I am number 34, which means I paid 34 euro for my twitter art. Jan has finished his 20th piece of art at the moment so I am patiently waiting for the result. For an overview of his work till now, visit the Twit2Art website.

The text I chose?

Yes, I admit it. I stole the text. From Heather Nova, one of my favourite artists. It’s great to have something virtual transformed into something touchable. And I really wonder what my grandchildren will think about this in 50 years. Will they laugh about the way we used technology? Will they understand? At any case, the piece of art will always remind me of my ‘Twitter-period’. “Yes, yes, your grandma used to Twitter” 😉

Update: in the meantime I received an email from artist Jan thanking me. Because of this blog post the Online Journalism Blog jumped on the story and ordered a 36th piece of art. Great!!

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