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With the mobile webcamp not far away (at the 26th of April, so 3 more days to go), it’s kind of busy putting everything together.

Practical information on the webcamp, changes in the programme,…can still be found on the webcamp wiki.

For my company CityLive, I am blogging about the webcamp. As a matter of fact, I decided to dedicate the CityLive blog the whole week to the event. Yesterday, I discussed the location, today I wrote an entry about the Dutch participants, and tomorrow I will tell you more about the developer’s camp that is organised within the mobile webcamp event. On Friday, I’ll send pictures to the blog of the preparations (which are of course already going on right now) and on Saturday it will be about ‘old meets new’.

In the meantime, already quite some articles appeared about the event, among others on Belgablog en netties. Still a happy girl 🙂


I’m proud 🙂 For our mobile webcamp on the 26th of April, more than 120 attendees have subscribed. And really not the least when you check out the names. Even the organiser of the French mobile barcamp Phil Jeudy is joining us.

12 sponsors have accepted or even offered to help us out. Food, ice cream, a nice location,…Everything is taken care of. The city of Hasselt even allots a balloon flight. That’s what they told me on the telephone today. I’ve decided already now that organisers can participate, I’d love to fly the balloon 😉 You can find all the lastest news via the mobile webcamp site.

And even though we have a full house, you can still add your name on the webcamp site (password is ‘mobiel’, login is ‘devcamp’, then press ‘edit’ in the left corner above). When people unsubscribe, you’re in. That’s how things work 🙂 Moreover, there seems to be a nice combination of people involved in content, technical and marketing matters.

I only hope for a little bit more presentation proposals. Two things seem to scare people off a bit: fist of all, it’s the first Belgian MOBILE webcamp. Lots of attendees I contacted are interested in the topic but cannot easily give a presentation about it. That’s why we’re telling them since a few days that ‘plain’ internet matters are fine as well. Secondly, the majority of the attendees join a barcamp for the first time. They don’t know the concept and the rules. So they decide to watch and learn and then give a presentation the next time. But we need them now 🙂


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