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Sometimes, the things you learn from YouTube films can be very practical and save you a lot of time and effort. Watch and learn how to open a banana. Properly. Like the monkeys do. Via Zofie.

We were out of bananas, but I’ll give it a try once we have bananas in the house :-).

Hmmm, much too long ago since I’ve written an entry. Which is my fault. Completely. And which makes me realise there’s quite a lot I haven’t been talking about on this blog.

So, back to the past.

1. Yesterday. Girl Geek Dinner number 5 already. I’m a geek not a freak. Out of the 5 Brussels Girl Geek Dinners, I have attended 4 till now. Luckily I missed out one, otherwise I couldn’t defend myself anymore when people call me a freak 😉 . Anyway, it was great to see some ‘usuals’ back like Clo and Smetty ànd to meet new people like Pimpajoentje. Moreover, we got ‘speculoospasta‘ in the goodie bag. I’m staring at it right now with hungry eyes 😉 but I am patiently waiting for the right moment to try it out.

2. The 6th and 7th of May. A friend of mine organised quite an interesting event for people who are involved in arts and culture. During this so called ‘hybrid spaces’ event, the participants were challenged to think, talk and work around four thematic issues:

  • local/global,
  • private/public,
  • narrative/creative
  • visible/invisible.

Those ‘borders’ can be looked at in many ways since the coming of ‘new media’. More information on the Spacecowboys website.

3. Way back in time, at the 29th of March. Barcamp Ghent and Girl Geek Dinner number 4. Apart from meeting lots of interesting people in Ghent, I was very proud that I had been able to pursuade some colleagues at City Live to join me there. And very relieved that they enjoyed the event and came back with new contacts and great ideas as well 🙂 . Furthermore, I discovered the wii. Which wasn’t only very funny, but which brought me into contact with two great people: Ywein and Filip. Ywein was my opponent, Filip the one taking pictures while we made a fool of ourselves 🙂 .

After the Barcamp in Ghent, the fourth Girl Geek Dinner took place at the offices of Netlash. Not only again a nice place to meet interesting people (at or in between the cocktails and French fries I met Britt and also Bart), but also the place at which I won…YES, I won…a microsoft webcam. Thank you!

To be honest, I had a great time. And I think most attendees had. The weather was great, the ice cream was good, but the best of all: the mobile webcamp was inspiring, relaxed and fun. And that was exacty what I had hoped for. Thank you everybody!!

Presentations, blog posts, tweets and other pictures can be found via the mobile webcamp wiki.

(First picture by kodel, other pictures by lone black rider)

Meetings aren’t always that interesting. So sometimes I start looking around to find more entertaining things in the room. That’s how I discovered that the fake red flower in the office of my former boss had made friends with a funny cactus. Seemed as if they had a much more vivid conversation than I had at any case 😉


A moment later, I felt the vibes and made a drawing of Mr Cactus and Mss Flower in love.


Love on the workfloor, and how beautiful it can be. I promise I’m not always like that 😉

So therefore some more serious stuff:

-the second HasseltLokaal magazine has been dropped in the post boxes of the people of Hasselt. The pdf of the magazine can be seen soon via the website of HasseltLokaal. We’ve done some minor changes and will again ask inhabitants and local traders what they think of an initiative like this. The results will be used for local projects at our company.

-tonight we have a christmas party with the 30 citizen reporters of Hasselt. This is one of our ways to thank them for their voluntary contributions. Everybody has to bring a present that hasn’t cost any money. In other words, you can look for something you don’t need anymore or you make something very creative. Mine will be a combination of the two, and that’s all I say about it 🙂

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