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To be honest, I had a great time. And I think most attendees had. The weather was great, the ice cream was good, but the best of all: the mobile webcamp was inspiring, relaxed and fun. And that was exacty what I had hoped for. Thank you everybody!!

Presentations, blog posts, tweets and other pictures can be found via the mobile webcamp wiki.

(First picture by kodel, other pictures by lone black rider)


Throw your story on the pile, that’s what the Stadsreporter vzw (the organisation behind HasseltLokaal) and the students of Communication and Multimedia Design had in mind.

Out of this idea, students made in no time the website Nu of Ooit (Now or ever). Two days in a row, the people of Hasselt could visit the students in a bar and tell or type a story. Any story. While typing or telling, words coming from other stories appear on the screen, and they should help the story teller to be inspired, create new story lines,…

I loved the idea and typed in a story. Because of the word ‘a capella choir’ that appeared on the screen, I was inspired to tell the story of me in the school choir. And then of course the memories kept coming. I felt that everybody was quite excited about the project, people love telling stories. If you want to share your story too, just go to the Nu of Ooit website.

This project was a short term experiment. If you have any ideas on how to improve it, or want to let us know how you feel about projects like this, don’t hesitate and let me know 🙂 (via the reactions or via Thanx 🙂

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