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Four more thing about blogboat 1.0:

1. Quote of Dan Gillmor:
“Traditionally it’s news when man bites dog. But it’s also news when dog bites man. Especially when you know the man and the dog is yours.” Referring to the relevance of hyperlocal news.

2. Quote of my former boss Rudy Raymaekers, visionairy and working for a media company for more than 30 years.
“Working together is a problem. In the newsroom people sit together, but they don’t talk. Citizen journalists don’t work together either, their egos are too big. And the people in the newsroom aren’t working together at all with the citizen journalists.” I love this quote because it’s so recognizable, considering the challenges I had starting the citizen journalism project HasseltLokaal at Concentra Media.

3. During the afternoon session, Dan Gillmor made a plea against (most) anonymous news. According to him, it has not much credibility. Therefore, Gillmor defends Sarah Palin against the anonymous ‘cowards’ that accused her of not knowing that Africa is a contintent. More via this blog entry of Luc Van Braekel (in English).

4. The attendants of the afternoon session were asked in advance to write a discussion paper about the future of citizen journalism. So that’s what I did, and I liked it. Yet, writing is more my thing than presenting. So when I was asked to present mine, I got soooo nervous. I even didn’t have a copy with me :-). Anyway, I put my discussion paper on this blog. I titled it ‘Citizen journalism and how context can become king’.

discussion panel, with Rudy Raymaekers second from the left, pic by,

discussion panel, with Rudy Raymaekers second from the left, pic by

More blogboat pictures via this link.

Funny to suddenly discover a film with myself as the leading actress 😉 At the Picnic event I met Paul Bradshaw from the Online Journalism Blog. He asked me to say in front of his camera that I read his blog. Recently he put the result online. He also caught Luc Van Braekel, one of Belgium’s most famous bloggers and at the third place (!!) in the recently published Metatale Top 100. In other words, Paul caught a big fish 😉 Here the result.

Paul also asked me to write a report on Belgian (Flemish) online journalism to put on his blog. It’s on my to do-list for December. So if you have any advice for me, or think that I shoud really mention this or that initiative, let me know! I want to make a distinction between initiatives of media companies on the one hand and ‘citizen’ initiatives on the other. Which means that I should definitely mention the online platform of the Standaard newpaper that has always been very innovative. And also Gent Blogt, the first and most famous city blog in Belgium. It takes place 4 in the Metatale Top 100, right behind Luc’s blog. Don’t agree with my distinction?Or do you have some advice? Let me know!!

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