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The B(loga)wards are back in town. Which means that bloggers and their sympathizers can vote for their favourite Belgian blog.

In the (temporary) voting list there are three citizen reporters of HasseltLokaal and of course that’s something to be proud of:

1. Tineke. I think I know her more than 3 years right now. She shoots delicious pictures and writes about daily life.  And for the English speaking readers: she writes in English, so you don’t have to release any translation programme on the blog. Hurray 😉

2. Roger. He has recently started arts class and keeps us up to date about his progress by showing pictures of the sculptures and paintings he makes.  His blog is also in English.

3. Eef. She writes rather poetical posts about daily life (in Dutch). Her blog love started not lang after she joined HasseltLokaal.

Since you can vote for three blogs, I have made the choice very easy for you (there is no choice ;-). Just surf to the Bwards website and do what you have to do! Thank you 🙂

Camera found, and in other words: pictures found of our team at the CMS Awards 🙂

On the first picture my former boss Rudy Raymaekers behind our crystal trophee (quite a sight, don’t you think ;-), on the second our marketing ‘engin’ Engin with the Belgian champagne we won. On the third picture you see me, moderator Eef and webmaster David being creative with our spoons and on the fourth one Eef and I with our certificate 🙂 More pictures via this Flickr-link.


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