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A question of Steffest (as a comment on this article of mine), which resulted in a presentation at Barcamp Ghent. “How to get your girl to be more of a geek”.

I came up with seven tips. And if you want your boy to be more of a geek, please read the tips as well, they’re unisex 😉 .

Some findings of my presentation:

  • I was pleased that quite a lot of people had shown up
  • I was even more pleased that they shared their experiences (“I got my wife on Twitter” “I made my girl friend use GCalendar” …)
  • I was pleasantly surprised that people spontaneously applauded each time somebody told a success story. Almost seemed a gathering of AA like that 🙂
  • I was most pleased by the fact that apart from being inspired by Steffest, Steffest also got inspired by me. Resulting in a presentation of his wonderful Tweetshirt, with which he has great plans. If you can help out with the hardware, please contact him: “It’s a concept, but it’s a concept I want to take further so I gues I’m on the lookout for hardware partners or other interested partners to get this thing to a finished wearable product.”

tweetshirt by steffest

PS Thanks everybody for filling out the polls in the previous post!

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