What does it feel like to rediscover two loves in one day? I can tell you: great. And it didn’t stop there…

Those two loves?

The first one is Brussels, the city in which I used to study for three years, the city I lost my heart at. So there I was, showing 5 ‘Great Britains’ the Belgian capital. Among others Robin Hamman from Headshift and Darren Waters from BBC.  Robin told me earlier that day at the DNA 2009 conference how his company deals with social media projects; Darren had some interesting thoughts about Twitter during a panel discussion. I also spoke with Katharina Borchert of ‘Media der Westen’. In the very chic lounge of The Plaza hotel we exchanged ideas and thoughts about blogging, journalism and being a communication consultant.

The second love is (new) media and journalism. Not only did I get the chance to blog about the DNA 2009 event, I also rediscovered how interesting the media business was and still is. There are so many challenges media companies are facing. And even though there was a two day conference with the brightest minds, nobody has the answer (yet) to which business model will ‘save’ the media.

And no, it didn’t stop there. While stuck in traffic I got an sms from my friend Katia: On the 14th of March we’ll be heading to London. To shop and to meet girl geeks from France and the UK. For free! You can read everything about our trip at the blog of the BrusselsGirlGeekDinner (in English).

So, yes, it actually stopped. Eventually :-). Even though I’m very tired of two days full of impressions and interesting insights, I’m full of energy.

My articles about DNA09 (in Dutch):

About the Twitter panel

About the question whether Google can keep aggregating content from media companies