mobile vikings

Simple and therefore (probably) very succesful: the current campaign of Belgian’s youngest mobile operator Mobile Vikings: Choose your favourite cellphone and spread it on Facebook. Consequently you might win the cellphone of your choice.

A viral marketing campaign like another, you might say. Indeed. Except for the fact that you can see how popular the cellphone of your choice is. The smartphone I chose, the LG KP500 Cookie is not that popular with only 5% of the people interested in it. With 33%, the Iphone 3G is the top choice at the moment, followed by the HTC Touch Diamond 2 (14%) and the HTC Touch Cruise 2 (11%). Very interesting for Mobile Vikings (and also other mobile operators …) as well, since it shows what smartphones people dream of.

Oh yeah, and here’s a competiton you can’t win anything with unless virtual fame forever. I found out that somebody put me on the list for Ms Twitter Belgium. However, I have been on holiday, the competition closes tomorrow and I thus have not enough time to organise a proper campaign ;-). Yet, a warm appeal to vote for me (my Twitter name is theonehitwonder). Always nice for a girl 🙂 And if somebody knows who put me on that list, let me know, I’m curious…

ms twitter